dhruv's space

Hey there! I’m Dhruv. I’m a Software Engineer, and a life-long Computer Science student.



I’m picking up Go and building developer tools. Here are some that I worked on recently.

ToolWhat it does
act3lets you glance at the last 3 runs of your Github Actions
commitslets you glance at git commits through a simple TUI
cueituplets you inspect messages in an AWS SQS queue in a simple and deliberate manner
dstllgives you a high level overview of various constructs in your code files
ecsvhelps you quickly check the versions of your systems running in ECS tasks across various environments
kplaylets you inspect messages in a Kafka topic in a simple and deliberate manner
multlets you run a command multiple times and glance at the outputs
outtasynclets you quickly identify the CloudFormation stacks that have gone out of sync with the state represented by their counterpart stack files.
prslets you stay updated on PRs without leaving the terminal
punchouttakes the suck out of logging time on JIRA
schemaslets you inspect postgres schemas in the terminal