dhruv's space


Catalogue of MOOCs/courses I’ve taken over the years; listed in reverse chronological order:

The Missing Semester

CS61B: Data Structures

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition Essential Training

APIs and Microservices Certification

Front End Libraries Certification

Responsive Web Design Certification

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification

React.js Essential Training

Data Engineering, Big Data, and Machine Learning on GCP Specialization

Building Resilient Streaming Systems on Google Cloud Platform

Learning Docker

Intro to Self-Driving Cars Nanodegree

Practical Deep Learning for Coders, v3, Part 1

Deep Learning Specialization

Sequence Models

Convolutional Neural Networks

Structuring Machine Learning Projects

Machine Learning for Coders

Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Java Build Automation With Maven

Machine Learning & AI Foundations: Decision Trees

Statistics Foundations 1

pandas Essential Training

Artificial Intelligence Foundations Neural Networks

Building and Deploying Deep Learning Applications with TensorFlow

Neural Networks And Convolutional Neural Networks Essential Training

Serverless Machine Learning with Tensorflow on Google Cloud Platform

Serverless Data Analysis with Google BigQuery and Cloud Dataflow

Leveraging Unstructured Data with Cloud Dataproc on Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals

Interactivity With Javascript

6.00.2x: Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science

Algorithms: Design and Analysis

Using Databases with Python

Databases: JSON Data

Databases: SQL

Databases: XML Data

Relational Algebra

Internet History, Technology, and Security

Introduction to CSS3

Using Python to Access Web Data

Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Python Data Structures

Introduction to HTML5

6.00.1x: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python